10 useful tips for coming out

Here are ten incredible tips from people who have come out as LGBTQ to their families, friends, colleagues and communities.

1)  Do not apologize .


2)  Do it, if that's what you really wanna do . If you feel compelled to come out, remember that it has to be your decision. It's a big decision to make in your life and the most important thing is that you feel comfortable with what you're doing.


3)  Do it how you feel most comfortable ! I told my dad by letter, but my friends mostly face to face…it got easier the more I did it.


4)  Treat it like a Band-Aid and just rip it off . Fast and almost without hurting. Just tell them, quickly, confidently and be done with it.


5)  Do not approach the situation as if you are about to announce that you are terminally ill . Body language and your tone of voice will play a huge role in how people react to what you say.


6)  If you don't get the reaction you expect, don't be discouraged. . You will get negative feedback, but that's their problem not yours. The number of positive feedbacks will far outweigh the negative feedbacks.


7)  Speak to a helpline, such as “the Azur line” first , if you don't know what to say. Talking to a counselor or a helpline can help you find the words you need to describe how you feel.


8)  If you don't know how to talk about it, talk casually about a celebrity's recent coming out as the star of the film Luca » , Jack Dylan Grazer, as Bi or Demi Lovato, as a non-binary.


9)  It's not all or nothing . You don't have to tell everyone at once. Start with one person and let it grow organically from there.


10)  There's no right or wrong way to come out . It should be a bespoke experience, as individual as you are.

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