Binder and social life: how to manage prying eyes and questions

I Introduction

Transgender people can use a binder to modulate their physical appearance and feel more in tune with their gender. However, using a binder can also expose these people to prying eyes or questions from those around them. In this article, we will explain how to handle these awkward or hurtful situations. We'll first look at how to deal with prying eyes, then we'll cover prying questions and how to answer them appropriately.


II. prying eyes

Prying eyes are staring or insistent looks that can be embarrassing or hurtful to transgender people. They can be perceived as a form of disgust, contempt, or rejection, and can cause distress or discomfort in those who are the object of them.

Here are some examples of prying eyes that transgender people may encounter:

  • Focused gaze: this is the gaze that lingers on a detail of the transgender person's appearance, such as their binder, and which can be perceived as a form of voyeurism or unhealthy curiosity.
  • The look of disgust: this is the look that shows rejection or repulsion for the transgender person, and can be very hurtful.
  • The look of surprise: This is the look that shows astonishment or disbelief at the appearance of the transgender person, and can be interpreted as a lack of respect or understanding.

How to deal with prying eyes? There are several strategies that can help protect against those embarrassing or hurtful stares:

  • Look the person in the eye: by facing the gaze of the other, we show that we are not afraid and that we respect each other.
  • Smile: by smiling, we show that we have no intention of letting the gaze of the other reach us and that we remain open and benevolent.
  • Look away: If the gaze of the other is really insistent or unpleasant, it may be better to look away so as not to fuel the situation.

It is important to remember that everyone is free to look and that we cannot control what others think or feel. However, by adopting a trusting and caring attitude, one can minimize the impact of prying eyes and protect oneself against their negative impact.


III. The indiscreet questions

Intrusive questions are questions that relate to the gender, sexuality or transition of the transgender person, and which can be perceived as a form of unhealthy curiosity or disrespect. These questions can be embarrassing or hurtful, and it's important to know how to answer them appropriately.

Here are some examples of intrusive questions that transgender people may face:

  • “Are you a man or a woman?” »
  • “Did you have surgery?” »
  • “Are you really transgender or is it just a phase?” »
  • “Have you ever been in a relationship with someone like that?” »

How to handle indiscreet questions? There are several strategies that can help protect against these embarrassing or hurtful questions:

  • Respond politely but firmly: you can say something like "I prefer not to answer this question, thank you for respecting my privacy" or "I don't feel comfortable talking about this, is Can we change the subject? ".
  • Change the subject: If the question is really unpleasant or you don't feel comfortable answering, you can try changing the topic of conversation to defuse the situation.
  • Apologize and leave the conversation: If the person asking the question does not respect our boundaries or show understanding, it may be best to apologize and leave the conversation to protect themselves.

It is important to remember that everyone has the right to decide what they want to share about their private life and transition journey. Responding politely but firmly shows that you respect your own boundaries and don't accept intrusive questions.


IV. Conclusion

In this article, we have seen how transgender people who use a binder can face prying looks or questions from those around them, and how to handle these awkward or hurtful situations. We first tackled prying eyes, outlining different types of stares that can be perceived as unpleasant or hurtful, and giving tips for dealing with them. We then discussed intrusive questions, presenting different types of questions that can be perceived as unpleasant or hurtful, and giving advice on how to answer them appropriately.

It is important to remember that everyone is free to look and ask questions, and that we cannot control what others think or say. However, by adopting a confident and caring attitude, respecting ourselves and respecting our own limits, we can minimize the impact of prying eyes and questions and protect ourselves against their negative impact. If you are faced with prying eyes or questions and need support, do not hesitate to turn to LGBTQ+ associations or therapists specializing in gender and sexuality issues.

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